Differenze sostanziali
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dei dispositivi
Stateful Packet Firewall
Zona demilitarizzata della rete (DMZ)
Intrusion Detection and Prevention System
Interfacce WAN multiple
Quality of Service e Bandwidth Management
Supporto SNMP
Supporto VoIP/SIP
Protezione da SYN/ICMP Flood
Supporto VLAN (IEEE 802.1Q Trunking)
User authentication
Active Directory / NTLM
Virtual private networking IPsec
Crittografia: 3DES, CAST-128, AES 128/192/256-bit,
Blowfish 128/192/256-bit
Twofish 128/192/256-bit
Serpent 128/192/256-bit
Camellia 128/192/256-bit
Algoritmi di Hash: MD5, SHA1, SHA2 256/384/512-bit, AES-XCBC
Modalità Diffie Hellman: 1, 2, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24
Authentication: Pre-Shared Key (PSK), RSA Keys
Certificati X.509
Dead Peer Detection (DPD)
NAT Trasversale
Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS)
VPN Site-to-Site
VPN Client-to-Site (Roadwarrior)
Autenticazione Utente: L2TP User Authentication
Autenticazione Utente: XAuth
Open VPN
Encryption: DES, 3DES, AES 128/192/256-bit, CAST5, Blowfish
Autenticazione: Pre-Shared Key, Certificato X.509
Supporto per VPN over HTTPS Proxy (OpenVPN)
PPTP Passthrough
VPN Client-to-Site (Roadwarrior)
VPN Client per Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux
Possibilità di Login multipli per utente
VPN Failover
User Management & Authentication
Unified User Management per OpenVPN, L2TP, XAuth
Group Management
Certificate Authority integrata
Suporto di Certificate Authority esterne
User/Password e Certificate Management (autenticazione a 2 fattori)
Multiple Authentication Servers (Locale, LDAP, Active Directory)
Wan Failover
Automatismo per il WAN Uplink Failover
Monitoraggio degli uplinks di WAN
Tipi di Uplink: Ethernet (Statico/DHCP), PPPoE, ADSL, ISDN, PPTP, Satellite
Network Address Translation
Destination NAT
Incoming Routed Traffic
One-to-One NAT
Source NAT (SNAT)
IPsec NAT Traversal
Static Routes
Source-Based Routing
Destination-Based Routing
Policy-Based Routing (basato su: Interfaccia, MAC Address, Protocollo o Porte)
Firewall Stealth Mode
Funzionalità firewall di Layer 2
Spanning Tree
Numero illimitato di interfacce per Bridge
High Availability
Hot Standby (Active/Passive)
Node Data/Configuration Synchronization
Event Management
Oltre 30 eventi
Notifiche via email
Engine Extra Services
NTP (Network Time Protocol)
DHCP Server
SNMP Server
Dynamic DNS
Logging and Reporting
Dettagli per: Sistema, Web, E-mail, Reports per attacchi e virus
Live Network Traffic Monitoring (net flow)
Live Log Viewer
Report dettagliato User-Based Web Access
Statistiche per Network/Sistema/Prestazioni
Rule-Based Logging Settings (Firewall Rules)
Syslog: Locale o Remoto
Secure Remote SSH/SCP Access
Serial Console
Centralized Management through FIREwiX Network (SSL)
Updates and Backup
Aggiornamento centralizzato attraverso la FIREwiX Network
Backups schedulati quotidinamente
Invio backup crittografati via email
Recovery / Backup su stick USB Stick (FIREwiX Recovery Key)